Portland cement type
Scope of usage
Type 1
Portland Cement
- All general uses that do not require special properties.
- This cement is divided into three classes: 325-1, 425-1 and 525-1. The numbers 325, 425 and 525 indicate the compressive strength of cement after 28 days in kg/cm2.
- This cement is used in general building construction including masonry, cement work, mosaic work, stone work, tile work, reinforced concrete, bridges, railway structures, tanks and other precast concrete products.
Type 2
Portland Cement
- This type of cement is used in areas where precautions against sulfate exposure must be taken, such as drainage, where the concentration of sulfate in groundwater is higher than normal, but not by much.
- This cement generates less heat compared to Type I cement, so this type of cement can be used in the construction of relatively bulky structures, bridge foundations, heavy retaining walls and pouring concrete in hot weather.
Type 3
Portland Cement
- This type of cement is called quick-adhesion cement.
- This type of cement is used in works where high durability is required over a short period of time, usually less than a week.
- Reduces the curing period of concrete in cold weather.
- This cement is also used in places where they want to open the molds earlier due to the limited capacity of the mold.
- For urgent repairs, such as repairing a part of a structure that needs to be used quickly, this cement is very convenient and allows the concrete to quickly gain the required strength and be used within a short period of time.
Portland Cement
- In pozzolanic Portland cement, pozzolanic material makes up no more than 15%, and in special pozzolanic Portland cement, it ranges from 15 to 40% by weight of the cement.
- Low heat of hydration prevents fresh concrete from rising in temperature and causing thermal cracks in heavy concrete castings and hot weather.
- It is used in areas subject to heavy sulphate exposure such as seawater and salt marshes.
- In cases where aggregates are prone to alkali-silicate reaction.
- This cement should be used with caution in rapid casting and ready-mixed concrete with a strength class above C30.
Portland cement
· Lime Portland Cement is known as PKZ. In the production of this type of cement, more than 80% clinker and less than 20% limestone are used.
· According to the national standard of Iran (No. 4220), Lime Portland Cement can be used in the preparation of mortar and concrete in all cases where Portland cement type (1-325) is used.
· In the Faculty of Civil Engineering, ordinary buildings, including stone, cement, mosaic, stone, tile.
· Better pumpability compared to conventional Portland cement
· Better applicability compared to ordinary Portland cement
· Greater water retention than ordinary Portland cement
· Greater resistance to freeze-thaw cycles than ordinary Portland cement.
Portland Cement
- Composite Portland cement is produced by grinding and mixing Portland cement clinker with at least two types of additives (special limestone, high-quality natural pozzolan, kiln slag, fly ash, calcined pozzolan , calcined clay or shale, microsilica).
- The rate of hydration of this cement may be lower than that of the first type of Portland cement.
- This cement is used for general purposes such as: masonry, cementation, general reinforced concrete structures, tanks, bridges and piers and precast parts.
- This cement should be used with caution in rapid casting and ready-mixed concrete with a strength class above C30.